This is the 4th Post in a series about Compassion Projects' Pastor Letters. These letters from the pastors give us tremendous insight into our sponsored children's world. The first three parts in the series can be found here:
Pastor Letter Quotes Part 1 - A Safe Haven in Desperate Situations
Pastor Letters Part 2 - Good News
Paster Letters Part 3 - Addressing Health Concerns
Pastors share the importance of letters...
Our children get very excited every time they see a light plane landing because they know a letter from their sponsor may arrive
EC261 - The communities that we visit are not easy to access and the only way to get there is by light plane. Each community has its own landing strip made by the people in the area….Our children get very excited every time they see a light plane landing because they know a letter from their sponsor may arrive. Hearing from their sponsors is a huge motivation that pushes these children to keep on studying and becoming better; therefore, your communication is a great encouragement. Thank you so much for such a gift! Daniel Rogers, Director
raise up their self-esteem.
EC449 - Every time a sponsor sends a letter to their sponsored child, they are contributing to raise up their self-esteem. You make children feel loved and cared. Your sponsorship fills the lives of these children with joy and hope so that they learn to face the future. Juan Córdova
Letters and gifts make a lot of difference in the children's lives
UG522 Kibaale Child Development Center - Every time a child gets a sponsor, there is usually great improvement in their behavior and studies. They become so friendly. ... The sponsored children are always happy when they hear from their sponsors and they can see what their sponsors and their families look like in photos. Letters and gifts make a lot of difference in the children's lives. Pastor Letter Quotes Part 1 - A Safe Haven in Desperate Situations
Pastor Letters Part 2 - Good News
Paster Letters Part 3 - Addressing Health Concerns
Pastors share the importance of letters...
Our children get very excited every time they see a light plane landing because they know a letter from their sponsor may arrive
EC261 - The communities that we visit are not easy to access and the only way to get there is by light plane. Each community has its own landing strip made by the people in the area….Our children get very excited every time they see a light plane landing because they know a letter from their sponsor may arrive. Hearing from their sponsors is a huge motivation that pushes these children to keep on studying and becoming better; therefore, your communication is a great encouragement. Thank you so much for such a gift! Daniel Rogers, Director
raise up their self-esteem.
EC449 - Every time a sponsor sends a letter to their sponsored child, they are contributing to raise up their self-esteem. You make children feel loved and cared. Your sponsorship fills the lives of these children with joy and hope so that they learn to face the future. Juan Córdova
Letters and gifts make a lot of difference in the children's lives
UG704 I would like you to know that your personal sponsorship is so important to your sponsored child. Upon receiving sponsors letter and photos and gifts, they feel so happy. This makes them feel special and loved.
PH408 "We have received at least 220 letters and all of the children are excited to hear stories from their sponsors. I must say that the correspondence between the children and sponsors portray a very crucial role in the life of a child and their families. I have seen children who grew up without knowing their parents but as they knew their sponsor, they felt a sense of belongingness in their 'foster mom and dads.' The passion and care that the sponsors are showing to their sponsored children though letters touched their lives and made them aware that there are a lot of people who care about them
They jump full of joy
EC 227 – Keep on sending your letters as they have a huge value to these children. They jump full of joy every time they receive one.
BD508 – These children expects affection and love from their sponsors. The children become very happy while they get letter and gifts from the sponsors, which they never expect from their family.
There isn't a happier face
BO435 MMB Viliroco Student Center - I would also like to share and point out the great value of the close relationship you have with the kids through written correspondence. There isn't a happier face than the ones of the children when they receive a letter or a picture from their sponsors because they know that on the other side of the world there are people who pray and worry about them.
GU 943 Bethania Student Center - From the bottom of our heart we encourage you to send letters to the children in the center. A child's happiness is great to receive an encouraging letter from the sponsors, knowing that there is someone praying for them and their families.
From Marius Elabi: Partnership Faciliatator: If I can just share one more thing, it is to tell you how important your letters are. There are days when some children get letters and others don’t, and it is hard to explain. The staff tries very hard to make all the children feel special, but you can see when some children feel left out. If you are able to even send short letters, it helps so that all the children are able to receive something. And the words you share mean so much. The staff also helps each child to understand that their sponsor loves them and wants great things for their lives.
From Lizbeth Torrico: Partnership Faciliatator: Finally I want to tell you my experience with the letters. During 14 years of sponsorship I only received 2 letters and that made my heart sad; many times I did not understand the reason why. I encourage you to be able to write letters; your words mean a lot to your sponsored child.
From Mr. Prajosh Rajan: - During my visits, I have witnessed the importance of sponsor letters. I have seen the immense joy of children when they receive the letters from their sponsors. While I visit homes, I have noticed that children are keeping the letters from their sponsors very safely. The few words that you write can mean a lot for these little ones. On the other hand, there are children who do not get letters from their sponsors. If you are able to even send short letters, I am sure that it will bring enormous joy and happiness in the life of your sponsored child.
From Micarlerme Pierre, Partnership Facilitator - Thank-you again for your support of your sponsored child. At last, I would like to say how important sponsor letters are for the children. Children feel very special when they receive letters and photos from their sponsors. It’s sometimes hard to explain ot them why some children receive, and some don’t.
From S. Libe Suryapusoro: Partnership Faiciliator of my Cris’ project: - I see how important letters from sponsors can be. Through sponsor’s letters, children feel special that there is someone who loves and pays attention to them. They feel they have a friend who accepts them just the way they are. If it is possible, please send letters to your sponsored child, even short ones; your sponsored child will feel a connection with you. This will also help the Project’s staff to make the children understand the love from their sponsors. The children will not feel alone in the world because their sponsors are there.
CO-667: no sponsor has ever visited the project and the project received about 150 letters.
- SIDE NOTE from a sponsor at this project - That means about 10% of the letters they get are from me to Karen. It breaks my heart to think how many kids are receiving little to no mail.
BF120 - Christians are few in number in our area. That is why the children's spiritual needs are great. It is lovely to see that the lives of the kids who are coming to the center are transformed. They are always glad to receive a letter or a photo of their sponsors.
UG544 - Your personal support as a sponsor means a lot not only to our center but also to our church and our community. Our children need to be loved and valued and their joy is evident when we share with them the names of their new sponsors or when they get letters, cards and photographs from their sponsors. That joy is unexplainable and it makes them feel extra-special.
TZ812 - Each child feels very sure and well of love and value to read every round of letters. Our children even tell me the name of the sponsor working with him or her. Photos give great excitement and lots of joy.