I blog more regularly at Belle Faith - Imperfect and Puzzling Reflections
I am a happily married, full-time work-outside-the-home mom of 3 teenagers from Ottawa, Canada. I am passionate about Compassion - and will share stuff here sometimes.
I am also passionate about God's Word, and Bible Quizzing.
Other random facts about me...
Food – I enjoy food, a lot, too much…
I am a happily married, full-time work-outside-the-home mom of 3 teenagers from Ottawa, Canada. I am passionate about Compassion - and will share stuff here sometimes.
I am also passionate about God's Word, and Bible Quizzing.
Other random facts about me...
Food – I enjoy food, a lot, too much…
- Favourite food – chocolate – I like dark chocolate and milk chocolate – especially with peanut butter! My favourite meal includes a hamburger, and my favourite place to eat is FIVE GUYS.
- I am ashamed to admit it but a Big Mac and Diet Coke from McDonalds is my comfort food.

- My two favourite books when I was a kid the Sleep Book by Dr. Suess and The Monster at the End of this Book (Grover from Sesame street).
- I read Gone with the Wind during the March Break in Gr. 6
- I’ve read all the Harry Potter books at least twice
- Favourite shows over the years – Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Favourite show now? – not currently following any series but I enjoy a little Duck Dynasty now and then ;-)
- I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland, Ireland (oh and Hawaii!)
- Favourite vacation spot will always be Walt Disney World no matter how old I get!
- I would love to go on a missions trip with my family or at least with one of my kids
- If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? At the cottage
- Where I want to retire? At the cottage
- I am fashion inept. Fortunately I have a 10 year old daughter who is my stylist.
- I would wear Yoga pants and a tank top ALL the time if I could.
- Favorite time of day? When I fall into bed and I can see the stars and the moon out my window
- Where were you born? Kitchener, ON, Canada
- Favorite sport to watch? Football (cdn) or hockey
- Siblings? 2 younger sisters
- Morning person or a night person? Night
- Dog or cat? DOG!!
- What did you want to be when you were little? When I was really little, I wanted to work in a shoe store
- What is your best childhood memory? Being at the cottage with my family, playing games until late at night and eating cake mix batter
- Been in a car accident? Totaled my first car - a camaro :(
- Any pet peeves? Small sticky children who whine and drink apple juice
- Favorite Pizza Toppings? Bacon,and pineapple.
- Favorite Flower? Daisy and lilacs